Posted by Best Buds Premium Hemp and CBD Products on Feb 3rd 2021
Is hemp pot? Is it legal?
All the time we have new customers ask the same questions, is hemp, its extracts and flower legal? Today we want to take this question head on and provide some education about hemp and our products. First, is hemp pot?
Is Hemp pot?
In short, no. Hemp is cannabis but is not pot, weed or marijuana. Marijuana is a commonly used recreational and medicinally prescribed narcotic and is controlled by the Drug Enforcement Agency. Federally, marijuana is illegal. Unlike marijuana, hemp is controlled and regulated by the United States Department of Agriculture and is federally legal. The focus point that separates hemp from marijuana, pot or weed is the concentration of the psychoactive cannabinoid delta 9-THC. THC is a chemical which alters the mind and creates the ‘high’ commonly associated with marijuana. Hemp products, flower and extracts lack high concentrations of THC, maintaining a level lower than .3%, and are considered non-psychoactive. This is the separating factor between hemp and marijuana, although both plants and products are derived from the cannabis-sativa plant.
The 2018 Farm Bill entailed a new federal hemp program. All hemp and its by-products are legal and possession and use of these products is also allowed on the federal level, although there are some limits. Raw plant material like stems, leaves and stalks are only permitted to be possessed by individuals or entities with the permit to plant, produce or process these aspects of the cannabis plant. So, is it legal?
Is Hemp Legal?
Yes, hemp is legal. Best Buds offers legal cannabis options which are non-psychoactive and federally compliant. Our products are lab tested to insure potency is legal and correctly identified for specified dosing. If you have questions about hemp, Best Buds or our products feel free to call or contact us today! Cannabis products like hemp flower, CBD Oil and things like CBD Gummies are all federally compliant products in 2018 (and beyond). Researchers are finding more and more uses and benefits of the cannabis plant and we are beginning to see nation wide reform in regards to cannabis.
CBD Oil is a major influencer of this change. CBD has shown dramatic effects in epilepsy patients and this sort of turned the tide towards less prohibition of the plant. As a nation, we are finding more benefits to the plant and finding that cannabis and it by products can be extremely beneficial. CBD, whether full spectrum or isolate, is a great alternative to pharmaceuticals for some people. CBD has shown tremendous benefits for people wishing to combat stress, anxiety, inflammation, body pains, soreness and so many other commonly experienced issues. Here at Best Buds we have helped our customers combat everything from minor stress and focus at work issues, to people with severe back and nerve pain that was preventing them from working. Our products can effect everyone in a unique way, and what works for some people may not for others. Hemp product work with the ECS, or endocannabinoid system, which is a system or neurological receptors throughout the body responsible for balancing the body. That's why our products can have such vast effects/ Using cannabis products is essentially like fueling the system, allowing it to work faster and harder.
Are Hemp products right for me?
It is likely that hemp derived products are indeed beneficial for you, but that does not necessarily mean that they will work for what you wish to confront. Hemp and its products are not painkillers, they do not mask severe pain. Likewise, they will not cure mental discomforts. Cannabis products are an alternative choice to pharmaceuticals which sort of 'mask' issues. CBD and Hemp Products work naturally with the body in order to battle discomforts. In order to determine how hemp can help you it is important to understand the goal you have and how to obtain relief. Feel free to contact us anytime with questions you may have regarding hemp and cannabis products or to find out what is a good fit to your lifestyle! Here at Best Buds we strive to be your friend in the industry, and treat our customers like our family. Education is a huge part of what we do, and we love sharing this incredible plant with our communities!